
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

1. What is Interventional Neurology?

It is a specialty which uses minimally invasive and image-based technologies/procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of blood vessels of brain and spinal cord (Neurovascular diseases). These diseases include paralytic strokes, brain aneurysms, dural fistulas and arterio-venous malformations (AVM’s) of blood vessels supplying the brain and spinal cord using Coiling, Stenting and Embolizations.

Stroke “Brain Attack”

Stroke is the rapidly developing loss of brain function(s) due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. Is the first leading cause of disability and third leading cause of death in India. The prevalence rate of stroke is 1.54 per thousand. India will face an enormous socio-economic burden to meet the costs of rehabilitation of “stroke victims” because the population is now surviving through the peak years (age 55-65) of occurrence of stroke

2. What are the types of stroke?

There are two types of strokes

1. Ischemic stroke – where there is a block in a vessel which supplies the brain. (70-80% of strokes are ischemic)
2. Hemorrhagic stroke (Brain hemorrhage) - bleeding in to the brain due to rupture of blood vessel in the brain.

3. What are the common symptoms?

Weakness in limbs, difficulty in speaking, loss of vision, Imbalance, decreased sensation, double vision, severe headache and vomiting, loss of consciousness, epileptic fit etc.

4. Are there any preventive measures?


1. Carotid and intracranial stenting.
A narrowed blood vessel leads to blocking of the artery or small clot in the artery which may block the blood supply to the brain, leading to stroke. To prevent the stroke the blood vessel needs to be dilated with stenting.
2. Control of risk factors
3. Appropriate medications

5. Can ischemic stroke be cured?

If the patient is brought to the hospital immediately after a stroke, it can be reversed in majority of cases by reopening of the blocked vessel by dissolving the clot. This should be done within four to five hours of symptom onset and in some cases upto 24 hours.